About Us
Mrs. Kim's Preschool Class provides an enriched learning environment for all students.

In our class, we are committed to spirited learning, growth, development and fun. We empower our students to ask insightful questions, explore the classroom and materials, and think outside the box.
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What’s Up Next

Calendar of Events
February 20 - NO SCHOOL - President's Day
March 6-10 - NO PRESCHOOL
March 14 - Kindergarten Registration from 6-7 at all McCracken County elementary schools
March 20 - Spring Picture Day
March 21 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
April 3-7 - NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
May 11 - Last Day of Preschool
Do not keep children to their studies by compulsion but by play.
Daily Schedule
Dream. Challenge. Succeed.
Play is the highest form of research.
--Albert Einstein
Morning Class
8:30Â Arrival
8:30-8:40 Bathroom and Handwashing
8:45-9:10 Breakfast
9:15-9:30Â Story Time
9:30-10:45 Centers
10:45-11:15 Clean-up, Bathroom & Handwashing, Calendar and Snack
11:15-11:45 Gross Motor
11:45-12 Review and Prepare for Home
Play is the work of the child.
--Marie Montessori
Afternoon Class
12:00Â Arrival
12:00-12:10 Bathroom and Handwashing
12:15-12:40 Lunch
12:45-1:00Â Story Time
1:00-2:15 Centers
2:15-2:45 Clean-up, Bathroom & Handwashing, Calendar and Snack
2:45-3:15 Gross Motor
3:15-3:30 Review and Prepare for Home